AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki

Quest Giver Warlic

Description Thank you for answering my call! I have received an urgent message from the Church Elder of Willow Creek. There is a monster loose in the area, attacking their animals and crops. To show me that you are the right person for the job, please go to the Forest and bring me back 5 zard tails and (most importantly) the Zard Chieftain's Head. Once you have done that, I know I can recommend you to Calafalas with no reservations.

Items Required: Chieftain's Head (1), Hideous Tail (5)

Item Location: The Chieftain's Head is dropped by Boss Zardman, and the Hideous Tails are dropped by Boss Zardman, Zardman Grunt, and Zardman Hunter, all from Forest

Rewards: 200 Gold, 200 Exp, Letter of Recommendation
