Oishii is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
Oishii is a Troll chef from Bloodtusk Ravine. She often appears at the Harvest Festivals.
- Name: Cornycopia
- Quest: Let's save the Harvest Feast with the power of cooking! First we need to know what ingredients we have to work with. Scout out the entire Cornycopia and bring me back a list
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Ingredients List (1)
- Item Location: Bag on the ground inside the Cornycopia
- Rewards: 1 Gold, 1 Exp
- Name: Cooking Trauma
- Quest: Hurray! Now, it is time for you to learn how to cook. Let's start with something easy. Can you boil water? Grab that bucket of water over there and throw it in the oven.
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Unboiled Water (1)
- Item Location: Cooking bucket of water from Tree stump in first room of Cornycopia
- Rewards: 1 Gold, 1 Exp
- Name: The Corn has Ears
- Quest: Shhhh... be vewy vewy quiet... even the Corn has ears! Defeat 8 Corn Stalkers and cook their ears into some awesome sounding "PopRock Corn!" Rock on!
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Pop Rock Corn (1)
- Item Location: Cooking 8 Corn Stalker Ears
- Rewards: 150 Gold, 150 Exp
- Name: An Apple a Day
- Quest: An apple a day is supposed to be good for you - but this one's all wormy! Ewwww!
Get 5 worms, and cook them into Oishii's special Wormcestershire sauce!
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Wormcestershire sauce (1)
- Item Location: Cooking 5 worms from Bad Apples
- Rewards: 200 Gold, 200 Exp
- Name: Whine n' Cheese
- Quest: I hate it when grapes go bad... all they do is whine!
Get 8 whines out of these grapes, and take it back to Oishii. She'll teach you how to make a beautiful whine and cheese plate!
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Cheese n' Whine (1)
- Item Location: Cooking 8 Whines from In-Grapes
- Rewards:' 250 Gold, 250 Exp
- Name: Fruit of the Loot
- Quest: Oh no! The stove is missing a bolt, so it won't work! Without that, we'll never get the Harvest feast ready in time! I know there is a door with LOTS of bolts insides... and it will give one a prize if you beat the slot machines! Gather seeds from the rotten fruit, and get a bolt from that door! The Harvest feast depends on you!
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Oven Bolt (1)
- Item Location: Steamwork Door inside Cornycopia
- Rewards: 100 Gold, 100 Exp
- Name: The Turdraken
- Quest: Defeat the Turkdraken, and save the Harvest Feast!
- Take the Turdraken Giblets to Oishii and get ready to Party!
- Quest Location: Cornycopia
- Items Required: Turdraken Giblets (1)
- Item Location: Turkdraken
- Rewards: 500 Gold, 500 Exp
Note: that the harvest shop is EXACTLY like the Seasonal Shop.
- Harvest Shop (See Valencia's Season Shop)