"A swampy region infested with unspeakable beasts and poisonous plants. Only the brave should venture here."
- Neverglades description
The Neverglades is a neighboring region of the kingdoms of Oaklore and Greenguard. Once it held prosperous civilization, now it has been forsaken and forgotten, overtaken by nature and black magic.
The Neverglades' history predates the modern Swordhaven by centuries. It was once inhabited by the Mudluks, humans and peaceful critters, until darkness and later on Chaos started to infect it and bringing ruin.
Ancient Times[]
In the past the Marsh was inhabited by the Mudluks, a species of frog-like humanoids who thrived in small tribes spread around the place, who despite being some of the most exquisite smithies on Lore, were a very peaceful people and stood little chance when dragons came to exterminate them with the claim they were an "impure reptile race".