AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki

Grou'luu is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds.


Grou'luu is a giant serpent and one of the Queen of Monsters' children. It is nicknamed the "Calcifier" because it turns any living thing that crosses it into statues by causing it's prey's bones to grow at an alarming rate. Grou'luu has terrorized Dwarfhold since the beginning of the Queen of Monsters' reign.

When the players were brought back in time, they worked with the ancestors of Vath and King Alteon to claim the Earth Orb from Grou'luu. After fighting their way past the Calcified Remains, the players slew Grou'luu and claimed the Earth Orb.


  • Location: Queen's Reign
  • Level: 50
  • HP: 100,000
  • MP: 100

