There are two types of Fire Imps in AdventureQuest Worlds.
Fire Imp #1[]
- Location: Mobius
- Level: 10
- HP: 1,800
- MP: 30
Fire Imp #2[]
- Location: Volcano, Basani
- Level: 13
- HP: 1,434
- MP: 100
Fire Imp #1[]
- War Prize
- Defender Medal
- Mega Medal
- Fire Imp Tail
Fire Imp #2[]
- Magma Bow
- Hammer of the Core
- Axe of Many Flames
- Lava Spear and Shield
See also[]
- Bright Imp
- Chaorrupted Imp
- Ebonslate Imp
- Forest Imp
- Mana Imp
- Phans
- Shadow Imp
- Sugar Imp
- Sulfur Imp
- Underworld Imp
- Volcanic Ash Imp