A List of Daggers, which is a short knife with a pointed and edged blade, used as a weapon. Note:AC = Adventure Coins (paid with real life money)
- Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath
- Academic Acoutrements
- Academicos Armaments
- Accessory DaiDoji Dual Katanas
- Adventus Duel Blade
- Alchemist's Dual Repeaters
- Alien Arm Blades
- Alloyed Legion SpiritHunter (AC)
- Alloyed Legion SpiritHunter (Legend)
- Amaranth Arm Blades
- Amaranth Reavers
- Amon Ra Daggers
- Ancient Runeblades
- Angelic Golden Daggers
- Angelic Hematite Daggers
- Angelic Silver Daggers
- Angra Spenta
- Aqua Chakra
- AQW Diploma (Dagger)
- Arcane Dark Caster Daggers
- Arcane Dark Caster Spell Book and Wand
- Arcane Dark Caster Wand (Dagger)
- Arcane Dark Caster's Fury
- Arcane Dark Caster's Fury
- Arcane Pirate Cutlass and Rapier
- Arcane Pirate Cutlass and Rapier (Non-AC)
- ArchFiend's Fang and Shield
- Archfiend's Shield and Polearm
- Arm Blades of Nulgath
- Asgardian Hammer & Shield
- Assassin Commander Daggers
- Assassin Commander Daggers
- Astral Reavers (Dagger)
- Astral Stingers
- Atomosian Armaments
- Aura Chakra
- Aurus Via Accoutrements
- Avenged Hand
- Axe and Shield of Cerberus
- Axe Dagger
- Azure Flaming Fists
- Backscattering Blades
- Banished Brawler Dagger
- Base DaiDoji Dual Katanas
- Basic Sai
- Basic Wooden Stake
- Bass Clef Dagger
- Battle Cello And Bow
- Battle Piano Strikers
- Beastmaster Ravager Daggers
- Bee Arthur Katanas
- Bido's Arcane Fire Sword
- Bido's Emerald Reavers
- BIG Dual Bowies
- Biobeast Master Lightblades
- Biofuel Blowtorch
- Bioluminous Amanita Blades
- BitterEdge Daggers
- BitterEdge Daggers (Non-AC)
- BitterHeart Concealed Blade
- Black Sonic Blade (Dagger)
- Blade and Shield of Glass
- Blade Knife
- Blade of Souls
- Blade of Trapped Souls
- Blade Warrior Energy Blade
- Bladed Blunderbuss of Boom
- Bladed Cannon and Shield
- Bladed Daggers of Souls
- Bladed Horc Pom Poms
- Bladed Lich Pom-Poms
- Bladed Loyalist Pom-Poms
- Bladed Maracas
- Blademaster Assassin Armblades
- Blademaster Assassin Dual Backwards Katana
- Blademaster Assassin Dual Backwards Katana
- Blademaster Assassin Dual Katanas
- Blademaster Assassin Dual Katanas
- Blademaster Assassin Katana / Sheath
- BladeMaster's Dual Katanas
- BladeMaster's Dual Weapons
- BladeMaster's Sword and Sheath
- Blades of Atrocity
- Blades of Betrayal
- Blades of Corruption
- Blades of Excellence
- Blades of Life-Taking
- Blades of Shadow and Light
- Blades of Virtue
- Blazerun Accoutrements
- Blazin' Blue Battle-Blades
- Blazing Firelock
- Blinding Chaos Armaments
- Blinding Daggers of Destiny
- Blinding Explosion
- Blood Blaze of the Vampire
- Blood Hawk Hand of Success
- Blood of the Void Daggers
- Bloodblade of Nulgath (Dagger)
- Blooded Protection of Cerberus
- BloodFire Dagger
- Bloodletter of Nulgath
- Bloodwave Violin and Bow
- Blue Crystal Spike
- Blue Gummi Were-bear and Lolly
- Bone Blades of Dilligaf
- Bone Crusher Hammer (Dagger)
- Bone Knife
- Book and Wand
- Brawler Dagger
- Brentan's Dual Berry Mugs
- Bright Daggers of Destiny
- BrightFall Commander Daggers
- Brightoak Accoutrements
- Brightoak Avenger Daggers
- Brightoak Blade and Shield
- Brightoak Raven Armblades
- BrightSteel Blade and Shield
- BrightSteel Conquest Accoutrements
- Brightsteel Daggers
- BrightSteel Spear and Shield
- Brightwind Athame
- Brilliant Beacon Daggers
- Brilliant Star Daggers
- Broad Moglow Blades
- Broken Blades
- Broken Bottle
- Broken Dagger
- Broken Dual Half-Chakra
- Broken Sword and Shield
- Broncolich Fist of Victory
- Bronze Barrels
- Brush and Shield
- Brutal Bone Daggers
- Brutal Dagger
- Brute Cutters
- Burning Lights Of Destruction
- Butcher Blades
- Butcher Knife
- Cackle
- Caladbolg (Dagger)
- Candy Cane Rippers
- Candy Dagger
- CandyCorn Daggers
- Captain's Cutlass of Boom
- Captain's Hook
- Captain's Shield
- CardBlades
- Cardinal Knuckle Cutter
- Carmine Crystal Shield and Dagger
- Carnicero Dual Axes
- Cat Claw Kamas
- Cat Claws
- Cataclysmic Daggers
- CC Crustacean Crusher
- Celestial Accoutrements
- Celestial Avenger Daggers
- Celestial Beacon Dagger
- Cerulean Crystal Shield and Dagger
- Chained Rune Bonebreaker
- Chakram
- Chakras of Renewal
- Champion of Ice Katar
- Champion's Gilded Axes
- Chaobold Pokers
- Chaos Breaker's Daggers
- Chaos Star Daggers (Upholder)ng
- Chaos Wedding Candles
- Chaotic Healer's Dual Vortex
- Chaotic Healer's Dual Vortex (Non-AC)
- Chaotic Long Lycan Dagger
- Chaotic Miasma Daggers
- Chaotic Sand Reavers
- Chaotic StormClaws
- Charfade Claws
- Chartreuse Crystal Shield and Dagger
- Cheat Code Daggers
- Cheese Cutters
- Cheese Cutters
- Cherry Bomb
- Cheval Glass Swords
- ChickenCow ArmBlade
- ChickenCow Fang
- Chiseled Gold
- Chrono DragonKnight Blades
- Chrono Star Daggers (upholder)
- Chrono Tech Daggers
- ChronoStrike Dagger
- Cinder Hackers
- Clavic Daggers
- Claw of Nulgath
- Claw of the Shrew
- Claws of Darkness
- Claws of the Astral
- Claws of the Weald
- ClawsOfTheBlaze
- Cloaked Nocturu Daggers
- Closed Circuit
- Cobalt Knuckle Cutter
- Cockatrice Hunter's Accoutrements
- Colorful Deadly Fan
- Colorful Stenciled Fan
- Combat Cutters
- Combustible Kamas
- Conquest Accoutrements
- CorDemi Daggers
- Corrupted Druid Sickle
- Corundum Carvers
- Corundum Kris
- Courage Armaments
- Crafter Chakram (Dagger)
- Creeper Dagger
- Crescent Dagger
- Cretaceous Armaments
- Crimson Blades of Swordhaven
- Crimson Destructor Swords
- Crimson Piano Strikers
- Crow Hand of Victory
- Crude Twin Dagger (Beta)
- Cruel Claw of Blizzard
- Crustacean Crusher
- Crustacean Crusher CC 2011
- Crystalisk Daggers
- Cursed Blade and Pistol
- Cursed Blood Blade and Pistol
- Cursed Claws
- Cursed Legion Cutlass and Pistol
- Cursed Pharaoh's Blades
- Cursed Star Daggers (Upholder)
- Curvaceous Killer
- Curved Dagger
- Curved Heartrend Daggers
- Cyber Armblades
- Cyber Armblades (Non-Legend)
- Cyber Dryad Glaives
- Cyber Reavers
- Cyber Slicers of De-Nile
- Cyber Talons
- CyberFire Torches
- Cybernetic Gunblade
- CyberVoid Dagger
- Cysero's Defender Dagger
- Cysero's Dual Breakers
- Dacite Daggers
- Dage's Pride Blade and Pistol
- Dagger and Caustic Flask
- Dagger and Chaos Flask
- Dagger and Healing Flask
- Dagger and Lethal Flask
- Dagger and Mystery Flask
- Dagger and Noxious Flask
- Dagger and Toxic Flask
- Dagger of Awe
- Dagger of Awe!
- Dagger Of Feelings
- Dagger of Serpents
- Dagger of the Bat
- Dagger to the Heart
- Daggers of Akriloth
- Daggers of Crescent
- Daggers of Darkness
- Daggers of Deception
- Daggers of Destiny
- Daggers of Destruction
- Daggers of Djet
- Daggers of Dragonkin
- Daggers of Guiding
- Daggers of Purity
- Daggers of Ra
- Daggers Of Rage
- Daggers of Scorching
- Daggers of the Desolate Desert
- Daggers of the Forsaken
- Dancing Blades
- Dancing Sakura Daggers
- Dark Arcana Dagger
- Dark Assassin Daggers
- Dark Blades of Swordhaven
- Dark Daggers of Shade
- Dark Draconic Daggers
- Dark Dragon Samurai Dual Katanas
- Dark Dual Arachnotana
- Dark Dual Manslayer of Taro
- Dark Energy of Despair
- Dark Exo Dagger
- Dark Flaming Fists
- Dark Frost Ninja Daggers
- Dark Frostscythe Kamas
- Dark Lunar Daggers
- Dark Mirrored Accoutrements (Small)
- Dark Snowfall Daggers
- Dark Sorceress Chakram
- Dark Stabbers
- Dark Sting
- Dark Undead Assassin Swords
- Darkblood Eviscerator Daggers
- Darkblood Keydaggers
- Darkblood Nulgath Hammers
- Darkness Dagger
- Darkwave Violin and Bow
- Dead Knight Armaments
- Deadly Fan
- Deadman's Decapitator (Dagger)
- Deadman's Decapitator (Dagger)
- Death Scythe of Nulgath
- Deathknight Dagger
- DeathMonger Accoutrements
- DeathMonger Mace Accoutrements
- Deeprage Daggers
- Default Dagger
- Defiant Rogue Daggers
- Deity Daggers
- Delta V Disks
- Demonmalice
- Desaturated Brush and Shield
- Desolate Duel Axes
- Destiny Blade and Shield
- Destiny Mace and Shield
- Destructo-Tacos
- Digital Terror
- Dire Daggers
- Disease Dagger
- Doom Claws
- Doom Dynamite
- Doom ExoDagger Binsoku
- Doom Piercer
- Doom Scissors
- Doom Star Daggers (upholder)
- Doom Zealith Reavers
- DOOM-aracas
- DOOMFire Accoutrements
- DOOMFire Double Swords
- DoomFlame
- DoomFlame Rapier
- Dos Maracas
- Double Frozen Fear Chakrams
- Double Handheld Cannon
- Double Hard Edges
- Double Stealthy Crossbow
- Double-Fisted Bombs!!!
- Dragon Roar Dagger
- Dragon Rogue Klinge
- Dragon Samurai Dual Katanas
- Dragon Samurai Katana (Dagger)
- Dragon Tongue Daggers
- Dragon Tongue Pistols
- DragonFable Destiny Sword
- Dragon's Claw
- Dragon's Heart-beam
- Dragon's Victory Daggers
- Dragonsaw Blade Set
- Dragonwings of Destiny
- Dragonwings of Destiny
- Drake's Scimitar
- Drakka Defender Dagger
- Dread Crossbows
- Dreaddaggers Mach 3.0
- Dreaded Daggers
- Dreaded Pizza Rollers
- DreadedChoppers
- DreadMaw Daggers
- Dream Energy Batons
- Druid Chakram (Dagger)
- Drum Styx
- Duat Daggers
- Duel Assassin of Nulgath
- Duel Assassin of Nulgath
- Duel Crimson Kamas
- Duel Cryo Assassin of Nulgath
- Duel Cryo Assassin of Nulgath
- Duel Duel Molten Greatswords on a Stick
- Duel Energy Axes
- Duel Golden Kamas
- Duel Molten Greatswords
- Duel Saw Blades
- Duel Swords of Vindication
- Dundoo's Dual Bowies
- Dunegutter Katars
- Dynamite
Dual Weapons[]
- Dual 2nd Betrayal Blade
- Dual 6th Betrayal Blade
- Dual Abomineator Axes
- Dual Alteon's Pride
- Dual Amethyst Crystal Axes
- Dual Ancient Legion Axe
- Dual Angelic Lightnings
- Dual Angler Rapiers
- Dual Arachnotana
- Dual Arcane Dark Caster Pistols
- Dual Arcane Pirate Cutlasses
- Dual Atlas Gatling Guns
- Dual Axe of the Black Knight
- Dual Axes of Light
- Dual Axes of Randor
- Dual Balor's Cruelty
- Dual Balrog Blade
- Dual Bark Basher
- Dual Battle Chaoaxes
- Dual Bearded Axe of Nulgath
- Dual Berry Mugs
- Dual Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Big 100K
- Dual Bio Berserker Axes
- Dual Bitterfrost Blades
- Dual Black Katanas
- Dual Blackerris
- Dual Blade of Slaying
- Dual Blade of The Fallen
- Dual Blades of Bone
- Dual Blades of Doomination
- Dual Blades of Purification
- Dual Blades of the Forsaken
- Dual Blazing Chaos Blades
- Dual Blessed Coffee Cup
- Dual Blinding Caladbolgs
- Dual Blinding Gladius Blades
- Dual Blinding Light of Destiny
- Dual Blister's Chainsaw 08
- Dual Blood Axe Of Destruction
- Dual Blood Energy Katana
- Dual Blood Hanzo Void Katanas
- Dual Blood Spirit Staff
- Dual Bloodrivers
- Dual Blue Candles
- Dual Bone Sword
- Dual Bonebreaker Cutlass
- Dual Boom Went The Dynamite
- Dual Boss Smashers!
- Dual Botanical Axes
- Dual Bright Blades
- Dual Brightsteel Swords
- Dual Brilliant Cutlasses
- Dual Bubbling Berry Mugs
- Dual Bug Hunting Pistols
- Dual Busters of Nulgath
- Dual Celebration Katanas
- Dual Cerberus Axes
- Dual Ceremonial Legion Blade
- Dual Chainsaw Katanas
- Dual Chainsaws of Doomstruction
- Dual Champion Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Chaoaxes
- Dual Chaorangs (Small)
- Dual Chaorrupted Bloodletters
- Dual Chaorrupter Unlocked
- Dual Chaos Blades (1)
- Dual Chaos Blades (2)
- Dual Chaos Energy Polearms
- Dual Chaos Gutters
- Dual Char Blasters
- Dual Chickencow Claws
- Dual Chickenwing ArmBlades
- Dual ChronoLord Cutlass
- Dual Cloudpiercers
- Dual Controllers
- Dual Corax Daggers
- Dual Corrupt Nightbranches
- Dual CrossBone Blades
- Dual Cruel Axe of Midnight
- Dual Crusader Sword
- Dual CryoTroll Axes
- Dual Crystal Claymore
- Dual Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Cursed Flame Katanas
- Dual Cyan Zappers
- Dual Dark Arcana Chakrams
- Dual Dark Arcana Chakrams (Merge)
- Dual Dark Chainsaw Hand
- Dual Dark Crystal Claymore
- Dual Dark Energy Katana
- Dual Dark Nightmare Axes
- Dual Dark Seas Cutlasses
- Dual Dark Tiger's Claw
- Dual Dark Tiger's Claw
- Dual Dark Tiger's Fang
- Dual Darkblood Katanas
- Dual Ddog Sea Serpent Sword
- Dual Deep Terror Blades
- Dual Demolishers of Destruction
- Dual Destiny Dragon Blade
- Dual Diamond Pickaxes
- Dual Doom Epic Flails
- Dual Doom Fail-Flails
- Dual Doom Swirl Katanas
- Dual DoomBringer Blades
- Dual DOOMFire Maces
- Dual DoomKnight Naval Swords
- Dual Doragon Katanas
- Dual Dragon Saw
- Dual Dragon Scythes
- Dual Dragonblades
- Dual Dragonbone Axe of Nulgath
- Dual DragonSlayers
- Dual Dragonsworn Blades
- Dual Drow Revolvers
- Dual Duneskewers
- Dual Duneslicers
- Dual Dwarven Warhammers
- Dual Electric Loveletters
- Dual Emerald Axes of Falguard
- Dual Eternal Chakrams
- Dual Eternity Blade
- Dual Explorer Pistols
- Dual Exponent Sabres
- Dual Fallenfire Axes
- Dual FallFire Warglaves
- Dual Fiend Katana of Nulgath
- Dual Fiery Flame
- Dual Flaming Dragon Scythes
- Dual Flaming Fury Torches
- Dual Flaming Katanas
- Dual Flesh Ripper
- Dual Flintlocks
- Dual Formal Candle Daggers
- Dual Frost Breath
- Dual Frostbite
- Dual Frosted Falchions
- Dual Frozenpointe Katanas
- Dual Fumarolic Axes
- Dual Fyreborn Polearm
- Dual Fyreborn Polearm
- Dual Galactic Blades
- Dual Galactic Cutlasses
- Dual Gilded Fireblades
- Dual Glacial Troll Axes
- Dual Glacier Carvers
- Dual Godly Mace of the Ancients
- Dual Golden Flintlock Pistol
- Dual Golden Hanzo Void Katanas
- Dual Golden Phoenix Sword
- Dual Golden Pirate Pistols
- Dual Golden Spirit Rods
- Dual Golden Wing Dagger
- Dual Grave Terrors
- Dual Great Golden Pistols
- Dual Green Candles
- Dual GrimHero Blade
- Dual Grumpy Warhammer
- Dual Guardian of Virtue
- Dual Half-Chakra
- Dual Hammers of Vokun
- Dual Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade
- Dual Herald Swords
- Dual HeroBlade
- Dual Honor Guard's Blade
- Dual Horse Tail Katanas
- Dual Hunter Crossbows
- Dual Hydra Blades
- Dual IceBreaker Axes
- Dual IceTen Space Blaster
- Dual Icy Bloodletters of Nulgath
- Dual Iron Dreadsaw
- Dual Iryerris
- Dual J6 Wedding Shotgun
- Dual Kneecappers
- Dual Lapis Crystal Axes
- Dual Laser Daggers
- Dual Lead Purgatorio Coins
- Dual Legendary Magma Sword
- Dual Legion Cutlass
- Dual Legion DoomBlade
- Dual Legion Doombringer
- Dual Legion Vampire Scythe
- Dual Leviasea Sword
- Dual Lich Bone Slicers
- Dual Lightning Slashers
- Dual Lunaris Axes
- Dual Lycan Spirit Katanas
- Dual Mace of Purifed Souls
- Dual Mace of the Grand Inquisitor
- Dual Maleo Keris
- Dual Maleo Kujang
- Dual Maleo Mandau
- Dual Manslayer of Taro
- Dual Matrix Hanzo Void Katana
- Dual Maximillian's Whip
- Dual Midnight Hanzo Void Katanas
- Dual Morning Stars
- Dual Mountain Breakers
- Dual Necronus Plasma Gun
- Dual Not so nICE Axes
- Dual Oblivion of Nulgath Maces
- Dual Octopirate Rapiers
- Dual Oni Katanas
- Dual Oni Seishin Katanas
- Dual Oppression Katanas
- Dual Orb Weaver Axe
- Dual Overfiend Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Overlord's DoomBlade
- Dual PainBlades
- Dual Painsaw of Eidolon
- Dual Paladinum Beams
- Dual Paladinum Beams
- Dual Party Slasher Birthday Sword
- Dual Pencil of Endless Scribbles
- Dual Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Pirate Mage Cutlasses
- Dual Pirate Mage Flintlock
- Dual Plasmatic Daggers
- Dual Platinum Axe of Destiny
- Dual Power Saws
- Dual Primal Dread Saw of Nulgath
- Dual Primal Dread Saw of Nulgath
- Dual Prismatic Deathdealers
- Dual Pristmatic Destiny Sabers
- Dual Purified Claymore of Destiny
- Dual Quarter Moon Axes
- Dual Ragnarok
- Dual Railbows
- Dual Rainbow Star Polearm (Upholder)
- Dual Rainbow Starswords (Upholder)
- Dual Rainbo Katanas
- Dual Rapier of Skulls
- Dual Red Zappers
- Dual Redemption Revolvers
- Dual ReignBringers
- Dual Resistors
- Dual Rocks
- Dual Ronin Katanas
- Dual Royal Raider Cutlasses
- Dual Saber of Ebilness
- Dual Scorpion Stingers
- Dual Seishin Oni Katanas
- Dual Sepulchure's Undead BladeAS
- Dual Seraphic Flintlocks
- Dual Shadow Fangs
- Dual Shadow Hanzo Void Katanas +AR
- Dual Shadow Spear of Nulgath
- Dual ShadowCaster Katanas
- Dual ShatterBone Axes
- Dual Shatterglass Katanas
- Dual Sickles of Gathering
- Dual Sickles of the Eternal Dragon Warrior
- Dual Siege Mauls
- Dual Silver Shotguns
- Dual Silver Wing Dagger
- Dual Skull Breaker
- Dual Skull Half-Axes
- Dual Snake Katanas
- Dual Sockarangs
- Dual Soul Harvester Spear AS
- Dual Soul RippersAS
- Dual Soulreaper of Nulgath ALS
- Dual Star Slasher
- Dual Star Sword
- Dual Star Sword Breaker
- Dual Steel Maces
- Dual Steel Maces
- Dual StoneCrusher Fists
- Dual StoneCrusher Fists (Non-AC)
- Dual Sunlight Daggers
- Dual Tachyon Blades
- Dual Tainted Claymore of Nulgath
- Dual Technobrawlers
- Dual Terosin
- Dual TheWicked
- Dual Toxic Bloodletters of Nulgath
- Dual Truly Cursed Legion Blades (Rare
- Dual Ugly Stick
- Dual Ultra Switch Katanas
- Dual Umbral Blades
- Dual Unarmed
- Dual Undead Legion Cutlass
- Dual Underworld Reavers
- Dual Unstable Katanas +5
- Dual Vampwing
- Dual Verde Crystal Axes
- Dual Vigilante Pistols
- Dual Vigilante Pistols (Non-Legend)
- Dual Violet Shades
- Dual Vital Bloodletters of Nulgath
- Dual Void Edge Slicers
- Dual Void Heart Slicers
- Dual Voidtebrae
- Dual Warblades
- Dual Warlord Blood Blades
- Dual WarpForce Black Beamsword
- Dual WarpForce War Shovel 20K
- Dual Waves of Fury
- Dual Whirling Winter Hex Orbs
- Dual Wooden Hand Saws
- Dual Wooden Purgatorio Coins
- Dual Wraith Repeater
- Dual Wraith Revolvers
- Dual-Bladed TigerBite +15
- Dual-Edged Blue Sonic Blade
- DualSlice Reaver
- Earth Dagger
- EbilCorp Katana
- EbilCorp Pistols
- Ebon Chaos Katanas
- Ebon Chaos Revolvers
- Ectoplasmic Daggers
- Electrik Stix
- Elegant Backstabber
- Elegant Gothic Violin & Bow
- Elegant Toxic Violin & Bow
- Elemental Chakram (Dagger)
- Elemental Dragon Edge
- Elite Dragon Short Swords
- Elite Dual Asgardian Hammers (Dagger)
- Elite Exponent Sabers
- Emerald Grove Edge
- Emperor Scorpion Stingers
- Enchanted Talons of Nulgath
- Energy Dagger
- Energy Kama Daggers
- EnergyPiercers
- Envenomed IceBlades
- EPIC Live Dragon Daggers
- Essence of Mana
- Estuary Skeans
- Eternal Inversionist Scythe
- Evader Daggers
- Evoker of Souls
- Evolved Bloodletters of Nulgath
- Evolved Butcher Knife
- Evolved Fiend Talons
- ExoDagger Binsoku
- Face of Pain Daggers
- Facebreaker of Nulgath (Dagger)
- Face-Slicing Knife
- Faerie Sai
- FallFire ArmBlades
- FallFire Daggers
- Fangs of the Deep Dweller
- Fear and Cruelty
- Fenix Feathered Armblades
- Fenix Feathered Armblades
This item, non-player character or location was created for the exclusive access of players with an active paid membership or became such at a later date and is not currently available for free players, but it is subject to change (e.g.: during holidays)
- Festooned Festa Fans
- Fiend Sticker
- Fierced Grip Blade
- Fifteen Bladed Daggers
- Final's Dual Blades
- Fire Dagger
- Firebird Maracas
- Firedancer's Torches
- Firefeather Daggers
- Firewalkers
- Fireworks Explosion
- Fishin' Hooks
- Fishy Sword & Shield
- Fists of Fire
- Flail and Shield of Cerberus
- Flame Dagger
- FlameBlade Concealed Dagger
- Flesh Daggers
- Flesh Shredder
- Foresters Daggers
- Fortress Shield and Spear
- Fourteen Bladed Daggers
- Fridge Edge Blade
- Friend's Set of Machetes
- Fright Daggers
- Frigid Heartrender
- Frost Ninja Daggers
- FrostScythe Dual Blades
- FrostScythe Mace and Shield
- FrostScythe's Battlegear
- Frostval Book and Wand
- Frostval Sword and Shield
- Frozen Fire Dagger
- Frozen Soldier Daggers
- FrozenFlame Dagger
- Fyreborn Tiger Claw
- Fyreborn Tiger Claw
- Galatic Hackers
- Galactic Light Sai (1)
- Galactic Light Sai (2)
- Galactic Star Daggers
- Gale Cutters
- Gator Gnife
- Ghastly Cane with Sheath
- Gia's Primal Brawlers
- Gift Of The Fire Avatar
- Gift of the Wild
- Giga's mania
- Gilded Assembly
- Gilded Blades of the Onslaught
- Gilded Entourage
- Gilded Onslaught Spear and Shield
- Gilded Sek Duat Daggers
- Gilded Sword and Spear
- Glacial Claymore and Shield
- Glacial Edge
- Glacial Slicers
- Glowing Daggers of Darkness
- Glowing War Glaive
- Golden Arm Blades
- Golden Assassin's Blades
- Golden Blade and Shield
- Golden Blades of Eternity
- Golden Chrono DragonKnight Blades
- Golden Destiny
- Golden DoomFlame
- Golden Draconic Daggers
- Golden Rabbit Daggers
- Golden Slicers
- Golden Star Daggers
- Golden Sword and Shield
- Golden Wreckord
- Granite Rippers
- Grasp of the Void
- Gravitonblades
- Great Daggers Of The Horcs
- Great Lavastorm Scythes
- Greater Lavastorm Scythes
- Green Crystal Spike
- Green Gummi Were-bear and Lolly
- Green Sonic Blade (Dagger)
- Grim Short Blades
- Grimskull Rogue Daggers
- Grip Blade
- Gripped Stake
- Guardian Hammer and Shield
- Gutripper Daggers
- Hand of the Hoof
- Hands of Flare
- Happy Holiblades
- Harle-Quint Daggers
- Harvest Sword and Shield
- Haunted Triangle
- Havok and Malice
- Hawkarang
- Head Splitting Daggers
- HeadSmash Rocks
- Heart Surgeon
- Heartstone Keys
- Hekyll and Jyde
- Hell Rogue Daggers
- Hollow Point Special
- Hollow Soul Dagger
- HollowSword and Shield
- Holy Bird Daggers
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Holy Shield and Hammer
- Holy Shield and Sword
- Honorbound Dual Katanas
- Honorbound Twin Katanas
- Horc Claw
- Horc Quickblades
- Horcish Slicer Daggers
- Howling Frost Set
- Hunter's Dagger
- Hyperborean Bite
- Ice Dagger
- IceShard Dual Edges
- Ignis Chakra
- Illustrious Titanium Tusks
- Incandes Fulminatus
- Infernal Blade of Revontheus
- Infernal Caladbolg Daggers (1)
- Infernal Caladbolg Daggers (2)
- Inferno Daggers
- Inferno Shower Daggers
- Injurious Heat
- InnDestroying Hammer
- Inverted Brawler Dagger
- Iron Daggers of the Wolf Commander
- Iron Rippers
- Ironwood's Rage
- J6's Birthday Guns
- J6's Black Handguns
- J6's Handguns
- Jack O Daggers
- Jade Bushido Katana (Dagger)
- Jade Cutters
- Jultane_X's Legion Blades
- Jungle Assassin Daggers
- Kaiju Slayer Daggers
- Kappa Kama
- Keening Daggers
- Kelly Knuckle Cutter
- Key Ring }
- Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers
- Kirin Horn Sai
- Kua-Toa Dagger
- Laser Beam
- Lava Spear and Shield
- Lava Star Daggers
- Lavastorm Lord Scythes
- Legion Dark Arcana Dagger
- Legion Deathdealer Blade and Shield
- Legion Skull Daggers
- Legion SoulSeeker
- Legion Spine Shanks
- Legion Star Daggers
- Leprechaun's Curse
- Light Dagger
- Light in the Mist Daggers
- Lightning Knuckle Daggers
- Lightning Knuckle Daggers (Legend)
- Light's Defender Spear and Shield
- Lightwielder's Armblades
- Lightwielder's Knuckles
- Lightwielder's Shield and Spear
- Live Dragon Daggers
- Living Shadow Katana (Dagger)
- Llussion's Glaives
- Long Lycan Dagger
- Lore's Champion Daggers
- Lost Claws of the Oasis
- Lost Daggers
- Loveletters of Beleen!
- Lovely Fan
- Love's Gladiator Daggers
- Loyal Hand of Victory
- Lucky Emerald Cutter
- Lucky O'Daggers
- Lumina Claw
- Lunar Sand Daggers
- Lustrous Bow and Arrow
- Mac the Knife
- Macuahuitl of the Dead Daggers
- Mage's Kris and Staff
- Magma Claws
- Malani Scimitar
- Mammoth Hand Of Domination
- Mana Dagger
- Mana Fenix Feathered Armblades
- Maraca of Doom +15
- Maraca of Doom +15 (Legend) {{L}
- Maraud of the Minotaur (Dagger) (AC)
- Maraud of the Minotaur (Dagger) (Legend)
- Mechanical Star Daggers
- Menacing Underworld Dagger
- Mercilessness Mercenary Guns
- Metal Dagger
- Metrea's Disciple
- Mia's Dual Slashers
- Miner Hand Of Domination
- Mini Shave Point
- Minotiger Dagger
- Minotiger Spear and Dagger
- Mirrored Dragon Claws
- Misericorde de Nyx
- Missile Mouse's Dual Blasters
- MockingSlayer Accoutrements
- Moganth's Calamity
- Mortal Bane
- Muenster Monster Hand
- Murgish Daggers
- Mystic Tribal Dagger
- Mystique Blades
- Natural Dagger
- Nature Dagger
- NechoTech Bionic Arms
- NechoTech Bionic Fists
- Necro Chakram (Dagger)
- Necrotic Daggers of Destruction Template:A
- Necrotic ShadowFlame Daggers
- NeoFiend Blades of Revontheus
- Neon Spectrum Dagger
- Nexus Blade of Chaos
- Nexus Blade of Evil
- Nexus Blade of Good
- Nightmare Knuckle Daggers
- Noble Armaments
- Noble Ceremonial Daggers
- Nobles Cinquedea
- Northpointe Rogue Ripper
- NOTruto Chakram
- Nulgath Polearm/Shield
- OakHeart ArmBlades
- OakHeart Magic ArmBlades
- Obsidian Arcane Dark Caster Daggers
- Obsidian Dagger
- Obsidian Dagger and Dark Book
- Obsidian Katanas
- Obsidian Polearm
- Omega Clappers
- Omega Dotanuki
- Omega Tonfa
- Omni Elemental Daggers
- Onager's Sword and Shield
- One Eyed Claw
- One Eyed Claw +3
- One Eyed Daggers
- Onslaught Annihilators
- Onslaught Battle Daggers
- Onslaught Daggers
- Onyx Star Daggers
- Opalescent Blades
- Orange Gummi Were-bear and Lolly
- Orange Star Daggers Template:U
- Ornate Daggers of Time
- Ornate Hatchets
- Ornate Platinum Impalers
- Ornate SteamCleaver
- OS Founder Arms
- Otherworldly Blades
- Overclocked EbilCorp Pistols
- Overlord Blade of Dilligaf
- Pain Fangs
- PainBlade Accoutrements
- Paragon Blaster and Boomstick
- Paragon Cutlass and Blaster
- Paragon Cutlass and Boomstick
- Paragon of Light Dual Hammers
- Paragon Star Daggers
- Particle Armaments
- Pearl Puggio
- Personater's Daggers
- Personater's Dual Swords
- Pink Default Dagger
- Pink Gummi Were-bear and Lolly
- Pirate Mage Flintlock and Cutlass seasonalsmall.png
- Pirated Media
- Plasma Arm Blades
- Plasmatic Dagger and Tome
- Platinum Drum Styx
- Platinum Star Daggers
- Plunderin' Pistols
- Poison Dagger
- Poisonous Orb And Tome
- Poker Hand*Pride and Glory
- Primal Dread Fang
- Prime Dagger of Awe
- Prime Dagger of Awe!
- Prismatic Chaos Paint Tools
- Prismatic ClawsOfTheBlaze
- Prismatic Long Lycan Dagger
- Prismatic Wings of Destiny 2015
- Pulsar Armblades
- PumpkinSeeders
- Pumpkin Slicers Mach
- Punhais Brasileiros
- Purified Claw of Nulgath
- Purified Deep Terror Blade
- Purified Void Daggers
- Purple Crystal Spike
- Raging Fire Daggers
- Random Weapon of Nulgath
- Raziel's Celestial Glory
- RazzleDazzle Daggers
- Reavers of Amenti
- Reavers of Hatoth
- Reavers of Serepthys
- Red Gummi Were-bear and Lolly
- Red Sonic Blade (Dagger)
- Referee Whistle
- Reki's Twin Dragons
- Reversed Brawler Dagger
- Reversed Dragon Samurai Katana[ (Dagger) [
- Reversed Dual Ebil Saber
- Reversed Plasmatic Dagger
- Reversed Revenge
- Reversed Spiralling Keyblades
- Rhiannon's Daggers