AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki
Chaos Vordred

Chaos Vordred

Chaos Vordred is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds.


Chaos Vordred is a form of Vordred that Sally empowered with the powers of Chaos as Gravelyn is captured and the Noxus Head Staff falls into Sally's hands. When Gravelyn wishes that her father was here, the tomb of Queen Lynaria Alteon grants the wish which revives Sepulchure. When Noxus orders Chaos Vordred to stand down, Chaos Vordred goes on the attack only to be easily destroyed by Sepulchure as Sally and Noxus bow before Sepulchure.


  • Location: Necropolis Cavern
  • Level: 40
  • HP: 54,116
  • MP: 100

