Slain gorrilaohant stack
I just wanted to know how many times does "slain gorrila phant" stack. I'm think of killing these in mass number then use REO boost while Turing the quest in so I can get arcangrove rep easily
Anybody still around here?
Ok so basically I came and visted this wiki to look up some things, but saw this wiki is like not very useful, sorry. So I made this to ask of a favor, if you are active/plan to be active could you comment just so I know who's around here? We need to improve this wiki a lot, so I hope we have a lot of active users.
Hello I am new
Hello I am new to AdventureQuest Worlds Wikia. I hope this wikia has good information and if it doesn't I can help edit the page with the right information.
Interesting Post
Check out this post on the AQW blog:
How are your sleuthing skills? Calling all gum shoes! This weekend we have the ultimate whodunnit mystery challenge for you.... it will take place in the biggest map we have ever made! Meanwhile Zhoom updated the database yesterday to support Daily Quests and more customizability. (Sorry we broke the game for 30 minutes -- all better now though!) Minimal is still working hard on stats and the new combat flow. While J6 is here at the lab, we want to focus on Housing/Castles and the world map.
Also I think that the 2nd lord of chaos will be coming soon! Comment if u agree!
Hello! I'm bubba1960 and i'm new to the forum! I will try to be as active as I can! Right now i'm working on making funny pics. ~bubba
Help save this wiki
We need everyone's help to save this wiki. I am sorry for leaving but I had to get caught up in school and forgot this place. Well since summer is going to be here soon I want every one to work double time. Ok.
Hello there
Well it has been a while since I came to this website (I have doing as much school work as possible). I am right now seeing how well this blog thing works. I am glad to be working here again and hope this place will become more lively.