Axes are weapons in Adventure Quest Worlds.
- Some axes require Adventure Coins , which can be obtained through real life money. Some weapons are marked as Legend due to their hard-to-find status. Some weapons are "rare", meaning they are more common than "Legend" weapons but more harder to find that regular weapons. Rare, AC, and Legend will be labelled on those type of weapons.
- A Dino Bone
- A Rock
- Abaddon's Orb Weaver Axe
- Abomineator Axe
- Absym Axe
- Agony Chains
- Albedo Battle Axe
- Amber Axe of The Harvest
- Amethyst Axe
- Amethyst Pickaxe
- Amethyst Skulls Guitar
- Ancient Legion Axe
- Angel Axe of Light
- Arc Att-Axe
- Arc-Lightning Guitar
- Artix's Golden Paladin Axe
- Artix's Scribble Axe
- Ascended Light of Destiny
- Ashaan Arch Axe
- Ashbringer's Battleaxe
- Automated Axe
- Avian Grace
- Axe Axe
- Axe Me Nicely
- Axe of Absolute Death
- Axe of Boneshattering
- Axe of Bone-Shattering
- Axe Of Cerberus
- Axe of Chaos
- Axe of Creation
- Axe of Feeling
- Axe of Frozen Agony
- Axe of Frozen Peace
- Axe of Hauberk
- Axe of Holocene
- Axe of Indictment
- Axe of Light
- Axe of Love
- Axe of Many Flames
- Axe of Minar
- Axe of Randor
- Axe of Ruin
- Axe of the Black Knight
- Axe of the EbilCorp Knight
- Axe of the Evil Eye
- Axe Of The Piercer
- Axe of the Prospector
- Ballooning Light of Destiny
- Bark Basher
- Battle Axe of the Bayou
- Battle Berimbau
- Battle Chaoaxe
- Battle Pickaxe
- Battle Scarred Traveler's Axe
- Battleaxe
- Battleaxe of Evil Intent
- Battleaxe of the Angaz
- Batwing Axe
- Bear Clawed Axe
- Bearded Axe of Nulgath
- Beetle Bass
- Berserker Battle Axe
- Big Wolf Slaying Axe
- BitterHeart Axe
- Black Light of Destiny
- Blackhole Light of Dread Space
- Blades of Order Axe
- Blinding Axe of Purity
- Blinding Hurp of Derpity
- Blinding LEDestiny
- Blinding Light of Chaos
- Blinding Light of Deliciousness
- Blinding Light of Destiny
- Blinding Light Of Destiny Handle
- Blinding Light of DragonFable
- Blinding Light of Dread Space
- Blinding Pink of Destiny!
- Blood Axe of the Underworld
- Blood Lord's Wrath
- Bloodstone Battle-Axe
- Blunt Brass Basher
- Boarding Axe
- Bone Axe
- BoneCutter
- Braken Bass
- Brisk Wind of Aeolus
- Broken Horn Basher
- Bronze Crusher
- Brutality of the Darkblood
- Burning Battle Axe
- Burning Light Of Destruction
- Calamitous Gilead Axe
- Carnicero Axe
- Cataclysmic Gilead Axe
- Cavernous Carver Axe
- Celestial Sand Axe
- Cerberus Axe
- Cerise Crown Axe
- Champion's Gilded Axe
- Chaoaxe
- Chaorrupted Basher
- Chaorrupted Light of Destiny
- Chaos Beleen Axe
- Chaos Dragonlord Axe
- Chaos Naval Guitar
- Chaotic Axeperity
- Chaotic Headsman's Axe
- Chrono Naval Guitar
- Chud's Axe
- Citrine Axe
- Climber's Ice Pick
- Clover Axe
- Combat Soulreaper of Nulgath
- Corrupt Nightbranch
- Corrupted Deadmoor BattleAxe
- Crescent Axe
- Crimson Knight Commander Axe
- Cruel Axe of Midnight
- Cry Of Chaos
- Cryo Troll Axe
- Cursed Bone Axe
- Cursed Guitar of Skull Punch Island
- Cursed Skulls Guitar
- Cyber Dreadhaven Mace
- Dark Angel Axe of Shadow
- Dark Botanical Nightmare
- Dark Crown Axe
- Dark Double Axe Blade
- Dark Knight Commander Axe
- Dark Tribe Skull Axe
- Darkblood Axe
- Darkblood Battle Axe
- Deadly Axe of Chaos
- Death Eater Axe
- DeBrainer
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Dire Wolf's Fang Axe
- Double Blade of Ice
- Double Bladed Axe
- Draconic Trigress Axe
- Dragon Axe
- Dragon Crown Axe
- Dragon Crown BroadAxe
- DragonROARS Guitar
- Dragon's Song of War
- Drakka Defender Axe
- Dread Axe of Destruction
- Dread Deadmoor BattleAxe
- Dreadhaven Axe
- Dreadhaven Axe +5
- Dried Blood Skulls Guitar
- Druidic Defense Staff
- Dwakel Axe
- Dwarven Battle Axe
- Dwarven Throwing Axe
- Earthen Axe
- Electric Thunder
- Emerald Axe
- Emerald Axe of Falguard
- Emerald Pickaxe
- Emeraldium Axe
- Enchanted DeathKnight Axe
- Enchanted Platinum Axe of Destiny
- Energy Blade Axe
- Evolved Warlord Axe
- Executioner Axe of Bludrut
- Executioner's Judgement
- Fabled Chopper
- Fabled Love of Destiny
- Fair Warning Axe
- Fallen Fire Axe
- Fiery Axe
- Fishy Guitar
- Flame Dragon Axe
- FlameBlade Axe
- Flaming Naval Guitar
- Flowing Axe
- Force oF Nature
- Forest Axe
- Formal Light of Destiny
- Frazier Fury
- Frigid Destroyer
- FrostScythe's Axe
- Furious Dragon Guitar
- Galaxy Naval Guitar
- Gale Axe
- Gargoyle Axe
- Gears of Battle
- General Porkon's Axe
- Giant VoidWarlord Axe
- Gilded Axe of Honor
- Gilded Ram Axe
- Glacial Troll Axe
- Glowing Crown Axe
- Godly Golden Dragon Axe
- Golden Axe of Kalestri
- Graveclaw's Shatter-Axe
- Graveclaw's Slayer
- Greater Junkyard Pile o' Crap
- Grim Bone Chopper
- GrimBlight of Destiny
- Grumble's Curse
- Hack Past Insane
- Half-Off Axe
- Half-Off Light of Destiny
- Havok
- Heart Naval Guitar
- Hearthside
- Heartstone Axe
- Heavy Celtic Axe
- Heavy Steampunk Axe
- Heretic's Metal Axe
- High Lord's BattleAxe of Destiny
- Hoarfrost Hatchet
- Horc Grunt Axe
- Horc Mangler
- Horcin' Hack 'n' Slash
- Horror's Cleaver
- Hyphaxe
- IceBreaker Axes
- Icy Naval Guitar
- Imperial Kama
- Infection Cutter
- Iron and Gold Axe
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Kama
- Karag Battleaxe
- Keytar
- Kh'arr Bludgeoner
- Krom's Conquest
- Lapis Crystal Axe
- Lavastorm Lord Scythe
- Legion Blackwells Axe
- Legion Light of Destiny Axe
- Legion Naval Guitar
- Legion Skull Collector
- Leiron Lilies
- Lesser Junkyard Gizmo
- Lich Bane
- Lich Slayer
- Lich's Earth Axe
- Life Giver Axe
- Light of Digital Destiny
- Liquid Hot Magma Axe
- Lithium Lily
- Little Hatchet
- Lovely Axe
- Lumberhorc's Maple Leaf Axe
- Lumberjack Axe (1)
- Lumberjack Axe (2)
- Lumenomancer's Woe
- Lunar Sand Axe
- Maraud of the Minotaur
- Maraud of the Minotaur (Axe)
- Marauder Axe
- Massive Rock Axe
- Meat Cleaver
- Micro Champion Battleaxe
- Mikey's Axe
- Mudluk Metal Axe
- Mudluk Monster Axe
- Mushroom Axe
- Mystery Moon Axe
- Mystic Tribal Axe
- Octopus Guitar
- One Eyed Axe
- One-Eyed Axe of Agony
- Orc's Axe
- Paladin's Pride
- Peril
- Phoenix Temper and Revenge
- Pink Reaper Of Doom
- Piston-Driven Chopper
- Platinum Axe of Destiny
- Platinum Axe of Rechord
- Platinum Broad Axe
- Platinum DragonAxe of Victory +15
- Platinum Naval Guitar
- Primitive Bone Axe
- Prismatic Axe of Boneshattering
- Prismatic Soul Render
- Prized Tomahawk of the Revered
- Pumpkin Axe of Slaying
- Purified Axe of Nulgath
- Quattro Chaos
- Quattro Cleaver
- Red Double Axe Blade
- Red Naval Guitar
- Rooted Axe
- Rose Pickaxe
- Rotting Naval Guitar
- Ruby Axe
- Ruby Pickaxe
- Rx for Destruction
- Salvage
- Sapphire Axe
- Sapphire Pickaxe
- Scarab Mace
- Scorched Ice Axe
- Septaxe of Air
- Septaxe of Earth
- Septaxe of Fire
- Septaxe of Water
- Shadow Dragon's Cleaver
- Shadow Terror Axe
- Shadowed Axe of Corruption
- ShadowReaper Of Doom
- ShadowReaper Of Doom (Rare)
- Shadowsmoke Claymore
- Shatterglass Mace
- Shrimp Axe
- SightBlinder Axe of Nulgath (Axe)
- Silver Light Axe
- Skele-crystal Cleaver
- Skull Cleaver
- SkullBorne Axe
- Skulled Half-Axe
- Skulls of the Misfortunate
- Slaughter's Slicer
- Slice of Harmony
- Snowy Axe
- Soulborne Axe
- Spinal Tap Axe
- Sput's Really Big Cleaver
- Steel Slicer
- Sub-Zero Axe
- Sub-Zero Hatchet
- Swordhaven Axe
- Swordhaven Master Axe
- Synderes Acoustic Guitar
- Synderes Electric
- Tears Of Joy
- TechnoEdge Axe
- TechtronAxe of Triumph
- Temporal Triune Axe
- Temporal Triune Axe +3
- The Axe from the Grave
- The Axe of Selfless and Greed
- The Frost Axe
- The Great Divider
- The Great Gilead Axe
- This Might Be an Axe
- Tide of the Darkblood
- Tlax's Axe
- TomaHawk
- Torrential Nautica Axe
- Tourmaline Pickaxe
- Toxic Deadmoor BattleAxe
- Tracker Axe
- Triceriaxe
- Trophy Hunter Axe
- Trophy Hunter Axe Advanced
- Trophy Hunter Axe Evolved
- Trophy Taker
- TurkeyHawk
- Turquoise Battle-Axe
- Two handed Axe
- Ultima Geoda
- Ultra Elemental Axe
- Unbridled Rage
- Undead Assault Axe (Axe)
- Undead Glow Guitar
- Undead Infantry Axe
- Undead Pirate Guitar
- Undead Slasher Axe
- Unidentified 14 (Worn Axe)
- Unidentified 21 (Dragonbone Axe)
- Verde Crystal Axe
- Virtuous Chaooze Axe
- Void Reaver
- VoidWarlord of Nulgath Axe (1)
- VoidWarlord of Nulgath Axe (2)
- Volcanic Fire Axe
- Voltaire's Guitar (Axe)
- Voltaire's Vorutanian Key Blade
- Vorutanian Key Blade
- Wave of Dispair
- Weeping Axe of DOOM
- What Made the Horseman
- Wicked Chaooze Axe
- Wicked Guitar
- Wraith Axe
- Wrath of the Werepyre